Kent County needs
housing security.
I will work to make Kent County a leader in fixing the housing crisis
I will push to bring back the Land Bank to create more housing
I will fight to eliminate household lead that poisons our children
Kent County needs
public health.
I will protect women's access to reproductive health care
I will expand Community Mental Health programs
I will support Health Department responses to lead poisoning, substance abuse and future COVID-19 waves
Kent County needs
justice reform.
I will lobby to increase de-escalation techniques and mental health training for law enforcement
I will advocate for smart reforms that will help us end decades of injustice and stop cycles of poverty
I will push to expand the capacity of our mental health and substance abuse treatment courts, which lower recidivism and get people the help they need
Kent County needs
a healthy environment.
I will protect our water from lead and PFAS contamination
I will support innovations to expand recycling and composting and reduce the need for landfills
I will expand County Government’s use of clean energy and electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions